It is hot and dry here. No Fall weather here in the Pittsburgh area. So that being said I am having and
END OF SEPTEMBER SALE. Many of my kits at HODS are on sale now through September 30th. Metal Works are 50% off and my lockets are 60% which makes them $1.50 and $1.00 for this sale. The ad does not show all the items that I have put on sale, so you better hop over to see what is.

So on to the next subject. I do have something for you that I made sometime ago. Keeping with the Fall is here-I have a Fall Alphabet for you. The first part I will share are the Caps which look like this.

Each letter is a separate gold square and all individual pngs. I will try to get the lower case up tomorrow and then the numbers and punctuation the following day. The lower case is just copper letters.
Happy Scrappin'
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